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Zatímco ženy v boloňském inkvizičním registru z let 1291-1310 měly tendenci obviňovat další ženy, u mužů se tento vzorec nepotvrdil.
Anestis Karasaridis a Aleš Chalupa v novém článku prezentují výsledky epidemiologických SIR/SEIR modelů, s jejichž pomocí simulovali šíření rozdílných patogenů, aby prozkoumali možnou mortalitu Antoninského moru.
Citace: Karasaridis A, Chalupa A (2025) Comparative SIR/SEIR modeling of the Antonine Plague in Rome. PLoS ONE 20(2): e0313684.
Some scholars consider the Antonine Plague to have been a major disease outbreak in the 2nd century CE that caused a significant decline in the population of the Roman Empire. Although there is currently no molecular evidence of the specific pathogen, literary evidence indicates the parameters of the disease that it caused and how significant the impact on Roman society was. One way to advance the current discussion concerning the Antonine Plague’s impact on the Roman Empire’s population is to examine the currently available sources and comparatively model the spread of different pathogens in a specific location with known demographic data for the relevant period. To accomplish this, we developed a series of dynamic ordinary differential equation models of the spread of disease in Rome between 165 and 189 CE for several pathogens. We found that daily disease deaths in the final years of the pandemic were inconsistent with estimates reported in primary sources, suggesting that either (a) the impact of the Antonine Plague may have been exaggerated in the descriptions of ancient authors, or (b) the daily deaths in ca. 189 CE were caused by a different disease event than the Antonine Plague, or (c) seasonality might have been a significant factor changing the intensity of disease spread, with the population more severely affected during the winter months. Although none of the pathogens we analyzed emerged as the likely causative agent of the Antonine Plague, the models show that the overall mortality rate would have increased maximally by 7%. This result contradicts the mortality rate accepted by historians who defend the thesis of the significant impact of this epidemic on the demography of the Roman Empire.
Zatímco ženy v boloňském inkvizičním registru z let 1291-1310 měly tendenci obviňovat další ženy, u mužů se tento vzorec nepotvrdil.
Profesor Zbíral převzal jmenovací dekret od prezidenta České republiky, Petra Pavla, 10. prosince 2024 v pražském Karolinu. Srdečně gratulujeme!