Gender, kinship, and other social predictors of incrimination in the inquisition register of Bologna (1291–1310): Results from an exponential random graph model
PLOS One, year: 2025, volume: 20, edition: 2, DOI
Network data extraction from inquisition records using Large Language Models : preliminary results
Year: 2025, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Paleografický kroužek: jednodenní workshop
Year: 2025, type: Workshop
Christian baptisteries, 3rd–12th centuries
This interactive map visualizes a dataset of Christian baptisteries built between the 3rd and 12th centuries. The dataset represents a digital adaptation and formalization of the most complete catalogue of baptisteries by Sebastian Ristow. Of all 1067 buildings in Ristow’s catalogue, this map takes into account only those whose existence and function as baptisteries is considered certain or very probable by Ristow and which, at the same time, could be localised.
Interactive map
Dataset online
Data source: Ristow, 1998.
Digitized and geocoded by Hana Hořínková.
Map by Adam Mertel.
Premonstratensian monasteries in France
This interactive map visualizes a dataset of Premonstratensian houses in France from the foundation of the order up to the present. The dataset is a digital adaptation and formalization of the most complete catalogue available, edited by Bernard Ardura (Abbayes, prieurés et monastères de l’ordre de Prémontré en France des origines à nos jours: Dictionnaire historique et bibliographique, 1993).
- 181 records (localised either to the precise site or, approximately, to the level of the commune);
- filtering by time, gender of the community (male, female, double monastery), and status (abbey or priory);
- a choice of base maps, including the Cassini map;
- an infobox under each object showing the ID number of the record, place name, the earliest and latest possible dates for both foundation and dissolution, certainty of localisation, dedication, and a link to a Wikipedia entry (if available).
Interactive map
Dataset online
Data source: Ardura, 1993
Digitized and geocoded by Jaroslava Fabíková under the supervision of David Zbíral.
Map by Adam Mertel.