My training is in Religious Studies, Philosophy, and Secondary School Teaching of “ZSV”. I studied at Masaryk University and received my Ph.D. in Religious Studies in 2014 for my thesis on evolutionary theories of religion. Currently, I am an assistant professor and head of the Department for the Study of Religions, a researcher at the Laboratory for the Experimental Research of Religion (LEVYNA), and a member of the research board of the Experimental Humanities Lab (HUME Lab).
I am interested in the evolution of ritual behavior and intra-group cooperation. In my research on the links between religious ideas and religious behavior on the one hand and morality on the other, I combine methods from experimental psychology, behavioral economics, and experimental anthropology. I have several years of research experience in the lab and in the field (mainly behavioral measures of trust, cheating, and prosociality in Mauritius) and I am happy to supervise your bachelor/master thesis on these and related topics and methods.
If you would like to meet, do not hesitate to send me an email.