CEDRR talk: "Materialising Religions in Secret Police Archives: Methodological Insights and Results of the Hidden Galleries ERC project"
12 January 2022
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM - ZOOM: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/94584915512?pwd=ZTB6dVdwK3lnYnFLbGs3ZTc0dXc0UT09
Let me invite you to the online lecture "Materialising Religions in Secret Police Archives: Methodological Insights and Results of the Hidden Galleries ERC project" by the project's PI, James Kapaló from University College Cork, Ireland (http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/A040/jkapalo).
The lecture, organized by the Department for the Study of Religions, Centre for the Digital Research of Religion at MUNI, will take place on Wednesday, 12 January 2022, 12:00 (CET - Brno time) under the ZOOM link above.
Abstract of James' lecture:
"In this lecture, I will present the theoretical and methodological approaches of the European Research Council Project Hidden Galleries (ERC Project no. 677355), give an account of the research process and the main contributions to scholarship of our principal outputs, which included an online digital archive, public exhibitions and scholarly publications."
Everybody is most welcome. The organizers from DISSINET are obviously most interested in the parallels with medieval "secret police" archives, studied in the Dissident Networks Project (DISSINET, https://dissinet.cz/), but the topic could also attract the attention of some of you working on contemporary societies, the repression of religion, as well as the materiality of religion.
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