Courses taught
Spring 2025 at Faculty of Arts
- Myth and Ritual (RLMgA003, RLMgA503)
- Published Article
- Published Review
- Reading of Sanskrit Religious Texts I
- Religion and the Body
- Religion in Cognitive/Psychological Perspectives (RLBcA025, RLBcKA025)
- Religion in Sociological/Anthropological Perspectives
- Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean and Near East (RLBcA009, RLBcKA009)
- Semester study abroad
- Study Trip in Religion
- Survey methods in the study of contemporary religious beliefs and practices
- Teaching the Study of Religion
- The End of the World
- The scientific research of religious experiences
- Theory of religion
- Transformations of Atheism
- Writing a Grant Application
- Writing Skills in English
- Yoga, Immortality and Freedom
Autumn 2024 at Faculty of Arts
- Krátkodobý zahraniční studijní pobyt (RLBcB557, RLMgB555, RLMgB556)
- Bachelor Course Preparation
- Bachelor's Thesis in Religion
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar I (RLBcA014, RLBcKA014)
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar II (RLBcA015, RLBcKA015)
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar III (RLBcA016, RLBcKA016)
- Behavioral Measurements in the Study of Religion
- Biblical Archaeology
- Buddhism I (RLBcA002, RLBcKA002)
- Contemporary Indian Christianity
- Current Religious Situation in the Czech Republic
- Dissertation Defense
- Doctoral Seminar I: Dissertation Research Project
- Doctoral Seminar II: Article Project
- Doctoral Seminar III: Theory and Method
- Doctoral Seminar IV: Advanced Dissertation Draft
- Doctoral Seminar V: Internal Review and Dissertation Submission
- Doctoral Seminar VI: Postdoctoral Perspectives
- Doctoral State Exam
- Draft Article
- Evolutionary Approaches to the Study of Religion
- Extended Dissertation Research
- Final Bachelor's Examination
- Final Bachelor's Examination Seminar (RLBcA100, RLBcKA100)
- Final Master's Examination
- Greek Religion
- Hebrew I
- Christianity and Heresies
- Christianity I (RLBcA006, RLBcKA006)
- Indian Religions (RLBcA004, RLBcKA004)
- International Conference Participation
- International Research Stay
- Introduction to MA Study of Religions (RLMgA001, RLMgA501)
- Introduction to the Study of Religions (RLBcA001, RLBcKA001)
- Judaism
- Local Conference Participation
- Master's Thesis in Religion
- Master's Thesis Seminar I (RLMgA018, RLMgA518)
- Master's Thesis Seminar II (RLMgA019, RLMgA519)
- Master's Thesis Seminar III (RLMgA020, RLMgA520)
- Master's Thesis Seminar IV (RLMgA021, RLMgA521)
- Neopaganism
- Network Approaches in the Study of Premodern Religious Traditions
- Power, Authority, Tradition
- Presentation Skills in English
- Proseminar for the Introduction to the Study of Religions (RLBcB301, RLBcKB301)
- Published Article
- Published Review
- Reading of Sanskrit Religious Texts I
- Religion and Violence
- Religion in Historical and Comparative Perspectives (RLBcA023, RLBcKA023)