LEVYNA22 Dec 2020 Synchrony and group moral hypocrisy Radim Chvaja, Radek Kundt, and Martin Lang published an article in Frontiers in Psychology.
CEDRR18 Dec 2020 Anestis Karasaridis received IGA grant Anestis Karasaridis has succeeded with his grant proposal “The Antonine Plague in Rome: Comparative Modeling of Different Pathogens” in the grant competition for doctoral students (IGA) organized by Masaryk University.
LEVYNA17 Dec 2020 Jana Nenadalová received IGA grant The Masaryk University Internal Grant Agency will fund her project Sensing spirits and other dangerous beings.
9 Dec 2020 ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Dr. Zbíral Dr. Zbíral has been awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant for a five-year research project “Networks of Dissent: Computational Modelling of Dissident and Inquisitorial Cultures in Medieval Europe”.
8 Oct 2020 Dr Zbíral awarded the Rector’s Prize Dr Zbíral has been awarded the 2020 Masaryk University Rector's Prize for an exceptional research outcome.
DISSINET5 Oct 2020 ERGM & ALAAM Quick Reference Sheet We have created a quick reference sheet for the statnet and MPNetimplementations of the ERGMs (Exponential Random Graph Model) and ALAAMs (Auto-Logistic Actor Attribute Model).
LEVYNA9 Sep 2020 Intergroup violence and trustworthiness Dan Řezníček and Radek Kundt published a study in the Journal of Cognition and Culture.