Workshop: Luke Glowacki – Building cross-cultural ethnographic databases to study complex social behavior
8 April 2022
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM - Zoom -
LEVYNA a HUME Lab cordially invite you to a workshop with dr. Luke Glowacki (Ph.D. Harvard University, 2015; currently Department of Anthropology, Boston University) on Friday 8th April, 16:00 - 18:00, online (Zoom link below).
Building cross-cultural ethnographic databases to study complex social behavior
(Zoom link -
Are there cultural universals? Does human social behavior vary in systematic ways across cultures? Answering questions like these requires detailed data from societies across the globe. Fortunately, ethnographic materials from prior anthropological studies are now widely available online and can be used to construct systematic databases that offer a powerful means to study human behavior. I discuss how to construct such a database using the example of the Natural History of Song project, which contains information on music from a representative sample of the world’s societies. I then discuss an in-progress database on the rituals of peace-making.
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